Extended Nursing Services for Medical Crisis

Our services are often Covered by Medicare, Medicaid or other insurance. Call us at 747-212-1868 to see if you are covered. We provide many different services for our patients. Our professional staff will monitor and assess the patient on a constant and on-going basis, as requested by the primary caregiver or patient. Hospice staff is available on call on a 24/7 basis whenever they are needed.

The hospice team creates a specialized care plan for each patient carefully considering their specific needs, desires, and medical criteria. As each patient approaches end-of-life as uniquely as he or she lives it, a holistic team of caregivers will remain vigilant to your loved one’s every need.

Our team typically configures from the following care providers:

  • Family doctor/lead physician
  • On-staff hospice doctor and nursing team
  • Emotional and spiritual care team made up of psychologists
  • Nursing aides, home health assistants, volunteer companions
  • Physical therapists, masseuse and other body care professionals
  • Social Workers
  • A Family care team
  • Clergy or spiritual practitioners

Every patient has his or her own set of clinical prognosis and unique medical requirements that go along with them. A loved one who is dealing with the finality of congestive heart failure will have a completely different set of medical needs from someone facing cancer or any other of the multitude of terminal conditions.

Each patient and their family has a set of rights that include the right to know what is going on with their terminally ill loved one. Clinical prognosis can stay unchanging for several weeks and then progress rapidly. But sometimes, a patient can experience many changing conditions which is why it is critically important for us to keep our patients and their families updated on medical conditions at all times. Changes in medical conditions can greatly influence decisions in how palliative care is provided

The Saint Iness Hospice package includes:

  • Professional top of the line clinical healthcare
  • Any required Medication
  • Any required Medical equipment and supplies
  • Case management services
  • Best in class pain control
  • Symptom management
  • Bereavement counseling
  • Family counseling
  • Spiritual support of any denomination
  • Ongoing condition monitoring and prompt family notification
  • Personal hygiene and body care
  • Quick pain medication adjustments when needed
  • Extended nursing services for medical crisis
  • Home hospice care
  • Primary caregiver respite
  • Nursing Home hospice care
  • Warm, well-maintained, family friendly on-site in-patient quarters
  • All-faith spiritual practitioners on call
  • Highly trained and compassionate staff
  • Compassionate nurses and personal aides

6047 Tamp Ave, Suite 301, Tarzana, CA 91356

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